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Town of Wallkill Little League

Town of Wallkill Little League


 Coaching a youth sport program such as Little League Baseball is a privilege that is not to be taken for granted. As a Manager or coach, appointed by the Laurel Little League (TOWLL) Board of Directors, you have an important role in the development of the young children in our community. We strive to teach each child the positive values of trust, good sportsmanship, good citizenship, responsibility, respect, fair play and teamwork – values they can use throughout their lives. Baseball and softball embody the discipline of teamwork. They challenge players towards perfection of physical skills and bring into play the excitement of tactics and strategy. The very nature of baseball and softball also teach that while every player eventually strikes out, or is on a losing team, there is always another chance for success in the next at-bat or game. With this in mind, the TOWN OF WALLKILL Little League expects each manager and coach to adhere to the following Code of Conduct: 
1. I will promote good sportsmanship, teach good baseball skills, and have fun in the process.   2. I realize, accept and will practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on its sportsmanship, courtesy and manner.   3. I understand verbal abuse of an official, coach, player, or spectator, including obscene gestures, will not be tolerated and that the offender may be removed from the TOWLL fields at the discretion of an umpire or TOWLL board member.   4. I understand coaches will refrain from complaining about perceived bad calls to players and fans. 
5. I understand all discussions will be held in conversational tones. Under no circumstances will a coach, fan, or player yell at an umpire, coach, fan, or player. The lone exception to this rule is when a coach or player shouts to another coach or teammate during the course of a play as part of that play.
6. I understand profanity is expressly forbidden at all times at the TOWN OF WALLKILL Little League complex. 
7. I understand alcoholic beverages and the use of illicit drugs are prohibited at all TOWLL games,     including events outside the TOWN OF WALLKILL Little League complex. 
8. I understand the use of tobacco products on the TOWLL fields and in the dugouts is prohibited. 
Rules and Policies 
1. I will know and understand the rules and abide by them (whether local or national). I will instruct my team members in the rules and coach my team in such a way as to motivate each player to compete according to the rules at all times. 
2. I will adhere to all Little League safety guidelines from the LL handbook and the TOWLL Safety Manual, including participating in CPR and First Aid training. 
3. I will understand the local league participation rules for my division. All coaches must ensure that each player get minimum opportunities to bat and play the field in each game. I also understand that specific rules are also in place to limit the number and frequency of innings pitched by a particular player. 
4. I will fully comply with the Player/Parents Code of Conduct. 
5. I will review the TOWLL website ( on a regular basis to make sure that I am informed of all updated LL and TOWLL Rules and policies.
The Umpires and Other Resources 
1. I recognize baseball is a game of interpretations, and as a result, disputes will occur from time to time. However, it is important that players learn respect. All disputes that are taken up with the umpire will be handled in a civil manner. I understand only managers may initiate such discussions with an umpire. The managers/coaches will conduct themselves with decorum and once the umpire has made his/her final ruling, the managers will make no further field protest. Off-field protests may be lodged with the Board of Directors per league policy. 
2. I understand most of the umpires are “in training” as well as the players. I recognize that all umpires will make mistakes occasionally, and as manager/coach, I will give the umpires the respect their position within the game deserves. 
3. I will be responsible in caring for equipment, for keys delegated for my use, for care of fields prior to games and for cleaning up fields, dugouts and stands after games in accordance with policies that TOWLL may establish from time to time. I will make sure that all league-provided equipment is clean and accounted for when returned after the season. 
The Parents and the League  1. I will maintain an open line of communication with players and their parents. I will be approachable. When approached by a parent to discuss any issue, I will interact and respond in a courteous manner.   2. I will understand and explain the philosophies, goals and objectives, and Codes of Conduct of TOWLL, i.e. TOWLL is organized as a recreational league, meant for the enjoyment of all the players. 
3. I will ensure that fans of the team conduct themselves with sportsmanship and maturity at all times while in attendance at game sites and will assist the officials in maintaining control of spectators during games. Players, managers and coaches of participating teams may not address or mingle with spectators, nor sit in the stands during a game in which they are engaged. I will make sure that coaches and players are the only persons allowed in the dugout during a game.   4. I will support (through participation and organization of parents) TOWLL in all fundraising efforts and field improvement efforts along with other duties that may be assigned to teams from time to time. 
The Team  1. I will conduct practices in an organized manner, with a planned agenda that focuses on specific skill development appropriate for the skill level of the players. 
2. I will focus on providing instruction commensurate with players abilities so all players have the opportunity to advance their skills towards their full potential, gain confidence and develop selfesteem, as well as establish a solid foundation for further baseball/softball competition. 


Town of Wallkill Little League
One Little League Way 
Middletown, New York 10941

Email: [email protected]

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